Attributes Reference Guide

This guide provides detailed information about the attributes supported in the Ommni system, including their types, subtypes, value types, and the appropriate units and currencies to use. This ensures consistency and adherence to best practices across the system.

Attribute Types

Supported Attribute Types

Each attribute in the Ommni system falls into one of the following types, which define the nature of the data the attribute will hold:

  • TEXT: Attributes that hold textual data.
  • BOOLEAN: Attributes representing true/false values.
  • NUMBER: Attributes that store numeric values, either integers or decimals.
  • DATETIME: Attributes for storing dates and times.
  • OPTIONS: Attributes that offer selectable options.
  • LIST: Attributes that store lists of values.
  • JSON: Attributes that store structured data in JSON format.
  • MEASUREMENT: Attributes that require a specific unit of measure.
  • MONEY: Attributes that represent monetary values.
  • COLOR: Attributes used to define color values.

Attribute Subtypes

Subtypes provide further specification within certain attribute types, offering additional control and customization.

TEXT Subtypes

  • SMALL_TEXT: A short text string, such as a name or title.
  • TEXT_AREA: A larger block of text, suitable for descriptions or notes.
  • HTML: A text area that supports HTML formatting.
  • URL: A web address or link.

OPTIONS Subtypes

  • MULTI_SELECT: Allows users to select multiple options from a list.
  • SINGLE_SELECT: Restricts selection to a single option.
  • MULTI_OPTIONS: Stores multiple options, similar to multi-select but with a focus on option grouping.
  • SINGLE_OPTION: Stores a single selected option.


  • VOLUME: Measures quantities of liquid or gas.
  • WEIGHT: Measures the mass of an object.
  • DIMENSION: Measures physical dimensions, such as length, width, or height.
  • AREA: Measures surface area.
  • TEMPERATURE: Measures thermal properties.

COLOR Subtypes

  • HEX: Color representation in hexadecimal format..

Attribute Value Types

Value types define the expected format or structure of the data for each attribute. They ensure that the data entered into the system adheres to the required structure.

TEXT Value Types

  • SMALL_TEXT: string - A simple string of characters.
  • TEXT_AREA: string - A larger block of text.
  • HTML: string - Text that includes HTML markup.
  • URL: string - A string formatted as a URL.

BOOLEAN Value Type

  • BOOLEAN: boolean - A true/false value.

NUMBER Value Types

  • INTEGER: integer - A whole number.
  • DECIMAL: decimal - A number that includes decimal places.

DATETIME Value Types

  • DATE: date - A date value without a time component.
  • DATETIME: datetime - A date value with an associated time component.

OPTIONS Value Types

  • MULTI_SELECT: string[], integer[], decimal[], boolean[], date[], datetime[] - An array of selected values.
  • SINGLE_SELECT: string, integer, decimal, boolean, date, datetime - A single selected value.
  • MULTI_OPTIONS: string[], integer[], decimal[], boolean[], date[], datetime[] - Similar to multi-select, but for grouped options.
  • SINGLE_OPTION: string, integer, decimal, boolean, date, datetime - A single option from a predefined list.

LIST Value Types

  • STRING_ARRAY: string[] - An array of strings.
  • INTEGER_ARRAY: integer[] - An array of integers.
  • DECIMAL_ARRAY: decimal[] - An array of decimals.
  • BOOLEAN_ARRAY: boolean[] - An array of boolean values.
  • DATE_ARRAY: date[] - An array of dates.
  • DATETIME_ARRAY: datetime[] - An array of datetime values.

JSON Value Type

  • OBJECT: object - Structured data in JSON format.


  • VOLUME: object - Volume measurement, stored as an object with unit and value.
  • WEIGHT: object - Weight measurement, stored as an object with unit and value.
  • DIMENSION: object - Dimensional measurement, stored as an object with unit and value.
  • AREA: object - Area measurement, stored as an object with unit and value.
  • TEMPERATURE: object - Temperature measurement, stored as an object with unit and value.

MONEY Value Type

  • OBJECT: object - Represents a monetary value including amount and currency.

COLOR Value Types

  • HEX: string - A hexadecimal string representing a color.

Measurement Units

For attributes categorized under MEASUREMENT, specific units must be used to ensure consistency.

Note: When importing data via a CSV file, always use the Abbreviation listed below to ensure proper interpretation by the system.

Volume Units

AbbreviationFull Name
m3Cubic Meter
us_fl_ozUS Fluid Ounce
us_ptUS Pint
us_qtUS Quart
us_galUS Gallon
imp_fl_ozImperial Fluid Ounce
imp_ptImperial Pint
imp_qtImperial Quart
imp_galImperial Gallon

Weight Units

AbbreviationFull Name

Dimension Units

AbbreviationFull Name

Area Units

AbbreviationFull Name
m2Square Meter
ft2Square Foot

Temperature Units

AbbreviationFull Name

Currency Standards

For attributes of type MONEY, currencies must adhere to the ISO 4217 standard. Using the correct ISO currency codes ensures that financial data is handled correctly across the system.